Materials and workshop for local farmers

15 June 2016
Dissemination materials
  • Cardoon cultivation
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    Created: 2017-01-25 16:42:05
    Modified: 2017-01-25 16:42:05

Under the First2Run project in order to inform farmers of Sardinia about the benefits related to the cardoon cultivation, various materials for local farmers were created: leafleat, poster and landing page.

These materials introduce cardoon crop, growing on marginal lands not in competition with food and feed, to local farmers highlighting the main environmental and economic advantages for the sustainable development of the Region. A focus on the opportunity of valorising byproducts (oil cake) to produce feed for animals have been also included in order to concretely show the benefits that biobased products from Matrica biorefinery can bring to local agriculture. In order to disseminate the contents more effectively to the local farmers, the aformentioned materials were produced and written only in Italian language.

Several workshops were also organized to make aware the farmer and local authorities about the benefits of the cardoon coltivation and for increasing social acceptance of bio-based products.

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